Habis baca blog beberapa temen yang post beginian, jadi pengen ikutan juga, hehe.. Kalau ada yang mau copas and ikutan ngeblog juga silahkan.. :)
High salary or job satisfaction?
Maunya sih dua-duanya, haha.. But I think I prefer job satisfaction (to do what I love to do) daripada high salary tapi tiap pulang kerja complain and grumpy mulu :p
Describe yourself. What do you think about yourself, and do you think people perceive you in the same way?
Perfeksionis tingkat tinggi! LOL! Gak percaya? Ask my husband :p
Which is your most favorite book ever?
"When God Writes Our Love Story" (by Eric & Leslie Ludy) because it has changed my life and my perspective about relationship and marriage :)
Which is the one television character that you simply adore?
Udah hampir gak pernah nonton TV, haha.. Kalo dulu sih aku suka nonton Doraemon :p
What kind of music do you like?
Gospel and worship songs of course, akhir-akhir ini juga lagi suka musik instrumental..
Which is your favorite genre of movies? (Comedy/Romance/Suspense/Action/Horror)
Drama/Romance :) but dulu sebelum kenal Tuhan, aku suka banget nonton film horror lho, wkwkwk..
What do you do when you feel very sad or depressed?
Nangis.. Doa.. Peluk suami (hehe..) but gak terlalu suka cerita/curhat ke orang lain..
What makes you angry? Are you short-tempered? How do you overcome your anger?
Aku kalo marah kayaknya lebih banyak nyimpen di dalem hati, jadi jarang langsung ngomong. Cara atasinnya ya, I have to speak to that person and bikin pemberesan :)
Which is the best vacation you've ever had?
Our honey moon :)
If you could have a luncheon with any three people (real or fictitious/from any time period/dead or alive), which three people would you choose and why?
1. Pengen ketemu and foto bareng Jokowi-Ahok
2. Mau ketemu wanita Amsal 31 (kalo beneran ada :p)
3. Ketemu Tuhan Yesus face to face (but jangan sekarang kali ya? haha..)
Which is your most cherished childhood memory? What kind of kid were you, naughty or nice?
Termasuk anak yang kalem, pemalu and pendiem (sekarang juga masih gitu kan kayaknya, haha..) but selalu dapet juara kelas and dapet banyak piala, hehe..
What would you pick? Love or money?
Love of money? haha.. just kidding :p Of course I'll pick LOVE!
If given complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why?
Mau jadi kayak Mother Teresa, hehe..
What is your idea of fun? If given a chance to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
ME time! Lagi kepengen jalan-jalan keliling IKEA and makan Swedish Meatballs di sana.. nyumm.. *ngiler*
Which is your favorite time of the day?
Dinner time with hubby :)
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night Person, but harus bangun subuh setiap hari :p
What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Leave Indonesia and moved for good to Aussie, haha.. It was crazy for me, but not for God :p
Name one person you love the most, and one person you hate the most.
Love the most? DM :)
Hate the most? Hmm...
What is the funniest prank played on you or played by you?
Apa ya? Ga keingetan..
If given a choice, which animal would you want to be? Why?
Dove.. karena selalu setia sama pasangannya :)
Who was your first crush? Did you ever tell him/her about your feelings?
Udah gak inget.. :p
Which is your most favorite place in this earth?
HOME... is where your heart is :)
If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to have with you?
Bible, food/drink, note book, pen, mobile (masalahnya ada sinyal gak di sana? haha..)
OK done! Kalau masih ada pertanyaan lainnya, silahkan comment di bawah sini, hehe.. ^^
Buku favorit kita sama ci :D
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