Prayer For My Husband

Sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu (sewaktu masih "single"), aku selalu rajin berdoa buat pria yang kelak akan jadi suamiku.. Meskipun saat itu aku blom tau pria-nya ada di mana and kapan bakal ketemunya (hehe..), I kept praying for him, baik lewat surat, postingan-postingan di blog, di diary dsb. (Kamu bisa liat foto di bawah ini, itu semua surat-surat yang aku kumpulin dari sejak taon 2008.. and akhirnya aku kasih ke DM setelah kita udah menikah :))

Trus sewaktu jadian and akhirnya udah ketemu sama DM.. aku juga tetep terus berdoa buat dia, supaya Tuhan terus jaga hubungan kami sampai masuk ke dalam pernikahan, and Tuhan persiapin kami berdua untuk jadi husband and wife..

Nah sekarang, setelah udah menikah.. should I stop praying for him?! Of course NOT! Haha.. Justru harus lebih dibanyakin lagi doanya.. Every morning and night kami selalu ambil waktu untuk doa bareng.. Kalo siang-siang gini juga kadang Tuhan suka ingetin aku to pray for him yang lagi kerja and lagi "berperang" di luar sana, hehe..

Tadi pagi aku iseng search di google tentang "prayer for husband" and aku mo kutip sebuah doa yang aku dapet dari salah satu link, biar ini jadi doa aku juga hari ini for my husband, DM.. and bisa jadi doa kalian juga (para isteri) buat suami-suami kalian.. Let's keep praying for our husbands! That's one of the best gifts that we can give to our husbands today :)

"A Wife's Prayer For Her Husband"
by Jennifer Smith


Thank you for your unconditional love for me. I am so undeserving, yet you pursue me daily! Thank you for your grace and for your perfect provision. I am so blessed and grateful for my life and for my husband’s life. Thank for trusting us with each other’s hearts, blessing us with the covenant of marriage. You have given us an opportunity to love each other unconditionally and sometimes that is hard to do, but I ask Lord that you would help us to love like you love.

Please show me how to be a joyful wife, a compassionate wife, a humble wife, and a truly forgiving wife. I pray for wisdom. I pray that you would equip both my husband and I with whatever we are lacking so that we may bless each other and be a beautiful example of a healthy marriage to other couples. Help me to understand that my expectations for my husband may never be met, that he is human and capable of sin. Give me a discerning spirit and the courage to speak truth into my husband’s life, which will encourage him. Keep words of disappointment and regret, lies from the enemy, far from me.

Lord, if my husband is struggling with anything, please remove it from him. Heal my husband and give him a strong desire to seek after you. I pray that he is the spiritual leader of our family that you have called him to be. May your characteristics manifest in him as he grows in his relationship with you.

God I ask that you would protect our marriage, keeping Satan and his ways far from our family. Holy Spirit walk with my husband today, call out his name and reveal yourself to him. I pray that our love for each other continues to grow deeper and deeper everyday. Please grant us time to spend intimately with one another, and especially time and desire to pray with and over one another! I pray for restoration in our marriage! May you be at the center of our marriage FOREVER and EVER! Reigning in our hearts, motivating our love and guiding our actions!

In Jesus Name AMEN!


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