Deeper in LOVE

Jadi inget beberapa hari yang lalu aku kenalan sama satu temen baru and we shared about our lives. Dia tanya tentang kegiatan aku sehari-hari, kerjaan suami aku, dan dia sempet kaget waktu tau kalo aku tiap hari bangun jam 4:30 pagi demi siapin lunch box buat suami. Intinya dia bilang, "Wah, dulu gue juga gitu waktu baru awal-awal married.. maklum masih penganten baru.. nanti lama-lama juga suami bangun sendiri and siapin makanan sendiri.." Hmm.. waktu dia bilang gitu sih aku ga tau musti ngomong apa and cuma bisa senyum-senyum aja, hehe.. But deep in my heart, aku sih ga pengen kayak begitu.. aku malah pengen makin lama bisa jadi isteri yang makin excellent lagi..

Selain itu, banyak juga orang yang suka bilang ke kita.. "Ah maklum masih penganten baru, masih masa-masa honeymoon.." "Nanti kalo punya anak pasti udah beda deh.." dan lain sebagainya.. Wajar sih kita banyak denger kalimat ini, terutama buat kita pasangan-pasangan muda yang baru married.. But there is a question in my heart.. Kenapa hal-hal yang romantis, perasaan jatuh cinta, dll cuma ada di awal-awal pernikahan? Bukannya semakin hari seharusnya malah semakin romantis and semakin cinta ya? Hehe..

And you know what, ternyata hal ini juga related with our relationship with God.. Mungkin banyak di antara kita waktu ngeliat orang-orang yang baru lahir baru and they are really excited about God, respon kita malah.. "Ah mereka kan masih baru lahir baru.. Nanti beberapa taon lagi juga udah ga bakal se-on fire gitu.." Waktu baru lahir baru, kita bisa romantis banget sama Tuhan, rasanya kayak orang yang lagi falling in love setiap hari :p But gimana setelah kita ikut Tuhan 10 tahun or 20 tahun or 30 tahun or 40 tahun or 50 tahun???

Aku paling seneng liat pasangan-pasangan yang ngerayain anniversary mereka, apalagi kalo ada yang bisa sampe 50 taon (langka banget tuh :p) and tetep bisa romantis.. pengen deh bisa kayak gitu, hehe.. I want to be deeper in love with my husband everyday.. and with my God :) Meskipun aku udah ikut Tuhan lebih dari 16 tahun, I want to keep loving Him with all my heart and malah makin deeper in love with Him, more than before.. I hope you can get the message yang mau aku sampein lewat artikel ini, and please listen to this song.. Hope you'll be blessed! :)

Take me deeper
Deeper in love with You
Jesus hold me close in Your embrace

Take me deeper
Deeper than I've ever been before
I just want to love You more and more

How I long to be deeper in love

My Husband is...

It's very easy (especially for us as wives :p) to look and say bad things about our husbands. It's easier for us to say everything that we want from them to be changed, than to appreciate all the good things that they have done to us and the best things that we can see in them.. Am I right? :)

Yep, aku juga suka begitu, hehe.. Kadang-kadang aku ngerasa kita sebagai ceweq tuh emang lebih egois ya, wkwkwk.. "Aku ga suka kalo kamu kayak begitu.. Aku maunya kamu begini.. Kamu seharusnya bisa ngerti dong.." dan lain sebagainya.. Sedangkan si suami cuma bilang, "Oke.." dan dia gak menuntut apa-apa dari kita.. lol :p

I feel so grateful for my marriage life and for my great husband that God has sent into my life.. Kadang masih kayak mimpi rasanya kalo aku ini udah menikah, udah jadi isteri, and now I have someone to sleep beside me, haha.. Someone who I will spend the rest of my life with.. :)

Semalem sebelum tidur, as usual kita doa bareng and ngobrol.. Trus aku sempet kasih beberapa pujian ke dia (serius but sambil becanda juga :p) "Honey, I love you.. You are the best husband.. I'm so proud of you.." bla.. bla.. bla.. "And you are the most handsome man in.. this room!" (hahaha.. *iseng mode on*) But after that he said, "Thank you my wife.." and so happy to see his big smile :) :) :)

It's so important to give an appreciation to our beloved ones, and to show him that he is the best and will always be the best man in our hearts (in whatever circumstances). I want to be his number one fan and his biggest cheerleader.. :)

My husband is my HERO.. He is a strong man, but also has a gentle and a servant heart.. Suami yang mau kerja keras, bangun subuh setiap hari.. Trus meskipun dalam keadaan cape, dia tetep mau korbanin waktu and tenaganya to serve his family (a.k.a his wife :p) and to serve others as well.. Dia rela jemputin aku malem-malem ke tempat yang jauh, padahal aku udah bilang kalo aku bisa pulang naik train.. eh, tau-tau dia udah nongol di depan, hehe.. So proud of him :)

My husband is my BEST FRIEND.. Apalagi buat aku yang pindah ke negara baru, I really need a friend that can accompany me.. DM is not only my husband, but he is also my best friend :) Temen buat ketawa bareng, nonton bareng, makan bareng, nge-date, ngobrol, and of course doa bareng, saat teduh bareng and ke gereja bareng.. hehe..

My husband is my SUPPORTER.. He is the one that always says, "Well done!" setiap kali aku berhasil ngerjain sesuatu.. or says "Thank you" every time I cook for him or do something for him.. Dia juga yang dengan sabar ngajarin aku banyak hal selama aku tinggal di negara kangguru ini :p

My husband is my GODLY MAN.. Dia memang bukan tipe pria yang suka on the stage (khotbah / mimpin pujian dsb.) but he is "behind the scene" man :p He loves God and I can see it through his love to me.. He loves me unconditionally.. very easy to forgive and to forget.. Dia juga ga banyak ngomong, but he shows his love through action (I think it speaks louder than words) and I can see Jesus through him :) He is a Godly husband and I believe he will be a Godly father too one day (and a Godly grand father.. LOL!)

I love you, my husband... ^^

"I thank my God every time I remember you..."
- Philippians 1:3

Barley and Winter Melon Drink

Aku gak pernah tau ada minuman kayak gini sebelumnya, haha.. But jadi tau banyak hal baru nih sejak married sama DM :p Kita beli bahan-bahannya di Asian Store, and kemarin ini aku coba bikin (dapet resepnya from our Malaysian friend, Justine.. plus dari internet juga) It is very easy to make and tastes good, bisa diminum hangat or dingin.. But di udara dingin kayak gini (winter is coming soon!) aku sih prefer minum yang hangat-hangat deh, hehe.. Ini resep yang aku pake.. bisa tambahin daun pandan and tambahin gula juga kalo mau.. Aku sih gak pake daun pandan (karena ga punya :p) and ga tambahin gula lagi karena winter melon nya udah sweet banget (sama kayak yang bikin, wkwkwk..) So, enjoy and hope you like it! :)


1/2 cup (100 g) pearl barley
1 cup (120 g) candied winter melon
8 cups (2 liters) water


Rinse and soak barley for 30 minutes. Drain.

Place barley, candied winter melon and water in a large pot.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for an hour.

Remove and allow to cool. Serve warm or chilled.

Mau resep yang lebih lengkap? Ini dia sumbernya:

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