You Are My Father

Beberapa hari ini aku lagi suka banget dengerin lagu yang satu ini.. enak banget, apalagi sekarang lagi di rumah, suasana adem and lagi ujan di luar (jadi tambah melow deh, haha..) Lagu ini jadi ingetin aku lagi tentang kasih Tuhan.. jadi ngebayangin gimana hidup aku kalo aku gak pernah ketemu Dia.. gak tau deh bakal kayak gimana hidup aku sekarang.. Tapi bersyukur banget aku punya Bapa yang baik, yang udah samperin aku waktu aku masih hidup di dalam dosa dan Dia angkat aku jadi anak-Nya.. My life is safe by the mercy of His grace!

Thank you Papa, for saving my life.. so now I can call You "Father".. and You can call me your "Princess" :) Thank You for your everlasting love.. I love You, Jesus.. 


Verse 1:
It doesn't matter where I run, You're there for me
It doesn't matter what I've done Your love's for me
You wipe away the tears, You lift me when I fall
My life is safe by the mercy of Your grace

Verse 2:
It doesn't matter where I go, You walk with me
It doesn't matter when I fall, You cover me
You wipe away the tears, You lift me when I fall
My life is safe by the mercy of Your grace

You are my Father, Provider
You're my Deliverer
Your mercies embrace me, surround me
Through Your everlasting love
Father I worship You
Father I worship You

And Your love is for me
And Your love is for me
And Your love is forever

Songwriter: Arvid Gunardi & Sidney Mohede


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