Read the previous posts here:
A Happy Wife # Part 1
A Happy Wife # Part 2
3. Happiness is Contagious
Udah sering denger istilah ini? "Happy Wife... Happy Life..." :)
Sometimes aku suka tanya ke DM kalo dia abis pulang kerja or sebelum tidur: "Hon, are you happy today?" Trus biasanya dia malah nanya balik: "Are you happy? If you are happy, I'm happy.." (and aku nya jadi senyum-senyum sendiri deh, hihi..)
Kadang orang-orang suka pakai istilah ini buat becanda, but actually it's so true.. A happy wife bisa bikin suasana satu rumah jadi happy.. and sebaliknya, an unhappy woman juga bisa bikin suasana rumah jadi unhappy.. wow.. our happiness is contagious!
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down - Proverbs 14:1
Aku gak bakal bahas panjang lebar di part yang terakhir ini, but always remember kalo kehadiran kita di rumah sebagai seorang isteri tuh besar banget pengaruhnya.. To be a happy and joyful wife is one of the best gifts that we can give to our husbands :)
So, what kind of atmosphere that you want to build in your house and in your family? How often do you smile and laugh at home? Are you a happy wife?
Ada hari-hari di mana aku gagal untuk jadi a happy wife (artikel-artikel ini juga berlaku as a reminder buat aku juga lho, masih sama-sama belajar, hehe..) but yang udah lewat ya gak usah diinget-inget lagi :) Kita masih punya hari ini.. we can be a happy wife today :) Let's pray so that God will pour His unlimited joy into our hearts.. smile.. and bring that joy into our family..
Happy wife.. happy husband.. happy kids.. happy world! hehe.. ^^
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
- Philippians 4:4, ESV
wahhh selalu bahagia ya suami istri ini :) semangattt