My 1st Dish Cloth :)

Setelah belajar dan berjuang dengan susah payah, akhirnya jadi juga nih dish-cloth.. Kali ini pake teknik "knitting" bukan "crochet".. Kalo bikin scarf kemaren ini pake teknik "crochet" and bener-bener jauh lebih gampang! Kamu bisa liat di post aku sebelumnya "My 1st Scarf!!" but ga ada salahnya belajar semua teknik, biar nambah ilmu, hehe..

1st step: beli bahan di craft store..
This is one of my favorite stores in Dover! lol

Bahan2 yg diperluin: needles & 100% cotton yarn

Mulai belajar dari youtube + dari orang-orang juga...

Udah setengah jalan nih, hehe...

Udah hampir jadi... ga sabar mo liat hasilnya...

Yay! It's done!! Woohoo!! (^o^)v
Thanks Becca, Sam & Holly for teaching me...
(banyak bener yah gurunya, haha..)

Forever Reign - Hillsong

I'm falling in love with this song...!! ♥

(Verse 1)
You are good
You are good
When there's nothing good in me
You are love
You are love
On display for all to see
You are light
You are light
When the darkness closes in
You are hope
You are hope
You have covered all my sin

(Verse 2)
You are peace
You are peace
When my fear is crippling
You are true
You are true
Even in my wandering
You are joy
You are joy
You're the reason that I sing
You are life
You are life
In You death has lost its sting

Oh I'm running to Your arms
I'm running to Your arms
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign

(Verse 3)
You are more
You are more
Than my words will ever say
You are Lord
You are Lord
All creation will proclaim
You are here
You are here
In Your presence I'm made whole
You are God
You are God
Of all else I'm letting go

Hallelujah forever
All the glory forever
All the praise to You

My heart will sing
No other name
Jesus Jesus

A Single Story

Setiap kali denger kata "Amerika" pasti kebanyakan orang bakal mikir "kota besar", "Hollywood", "Disneyland", "banyak artis & orang kaya", "trend and fashion", "modern" and segala macem hal yang bikin kita "wooww..!"

Semua itu memang bener, memang kenyataan, but it's only a single story about America..

I wanna tell you another story about America :)

Agustus 2010, untuk pertama kalinya aku injekin kaki di tanah Amerika (aku ikut program yang namanya IVEP) Pas pertama kali, aku transit di Los Angeles and itu memang bener-bener kota gede banget! Kayak yang di film-film gitu.. But abis itu aku terbang & menetap selama 1 minggu di Akron, Pennsylvania.. kota kecil, sepi, kayak di desa, haha..

But itu belom seberapa, setelah 1 minggu di Pennsylvania, akhirnya aku menetap di Dover, Ohio (sekarang uda hampir 8 bulan tinggal di sini) and bener-bener beda banget sama pandangan orang-orang tentang Amerika.. Di sini sepi, penduduknya seneng bertani/berternak gitu (bener-bener deso banget ya :p) ga ada public transportations (jadi rajin jalan kaki & naik sepeda) and... (ini nih yang paling menarik) ada sekelompok orang yang disebut "The Amish".

Mereka hidup sederhana banget.. Tanpa listrik, tanpa mobil, tanpa tekhnologi, bener-bener hidup alami. Mereka punya kendaraan sendiri yang kita sebut "Horse & Buggy" (musti sabar kalo mobil kita pas di belakang dia, haha..) and mereka juga berpenampilan beda sama kita.

Para pria rata-rata selalu pake topi & punya beard (alias jenggot, haha..) And para wanita selalu pake head-covering plus baju panjang yang mereka jahit sendiri. Jadi ga susah buat tau mana orang-orang yg termasuk Amish mana yg bukan.

Mereka juga punya bahasa sendiri, yang namanya Pennsylvania Dutch (mirip2 German gitu deh..) jadi mereka jarang ngomong pake bahasa Inggris. And mereka juga punya card game yang namanya "Dutch Blitz" (I love that game so much!! hihi..)

But, selain "The Amish" ada juga kelompok orang yang disebut "Conservative Mennonite". Mirip2 Amish, tapi mereka pake listrik & bisa nyetir mobil. Cuma baju & penampilannya agak mirip, hehe..

Memang sih banyak orang yang kurang setuju sama cara hidup mereka, banyak pendapat negatif tentang mereka, but setidaknya kita bisa coba teladanin hal-hal yang positif. Aku sempet kenal beberapa orang dari kelompok mereka and aku merasa diberkati. Mereka mengasihi Tuhan, mengasihi keluarga, sesama & mengasihi lingkungan (alam) juga. Bener2 seneng liat cara hidup mereka yang sederhana. Belajar tentang simplicity dari mereka...

So, now.. what do you think about America? :)

Same Blog, New Design!

I love this new template!
Bosen juga sama design yang lama, saatnya ganti penampilan, hehe..
Ternyata ga susah buat ganti design, tinggal search di google,
banyak templates yang gratis (maklum mental gratisan nih, haha..)
Buat design yang kali ini aku ambil dari link:

Love it! Love it! hihi..

Winter -vs- Spring

Gara-gara iseng and ga ada kerjaan,
akhirnya jadi sebuah karya, hehe..

New Grounds Cafe

I wanna share a little bit about one of my work placements in US,
called New Grounds Cafe!
The coolest cafe ever! Haha.. This is a Christian coffee shop, non-profit organization, sponsored by many churches.. A lot of people (especially young people) they come to hang-out with friends, but also to have bible studies and worship service every Sunday night,
which is really cool!

This cafe is located at Walnut Creek, Ohio (about 25 minutes from Dover)

I work here 3 days a week (every Monday, Thursday & Sunday night)

...with my great manager, Jason Hamsher :)

We serve great drinks! (Great coffee of course)

Great food! (Quesadilla is one of my favorites) Yummy... (^^')~

...and PIZZA...!!!

Great games! (Pool, ping-pong, air hockey & a lot of board games...)

Great music! (Open Mic Night)

...and great worship service... I love it! ♥

...Our Vision... for a safe place to connect with area youth, reach out to the community, challenge each other in our relationship with Jesus, and magnify God in our everyday lives...

Beautiful Friday!

March 11th, 2011

The winter is almost over...

Spring is coming soon...

But last Friday,

we had a really really beautiful snow!!

I went out with my camera

to take these awesome views...

I wish we had snow in Indonesia! haha.. ;D

My 25th Bday!!

March 9th, 2011...

It was my first time celebrating birthday in another country,
far from my family and friends in Indonesia...
But it was really fun!
I got 4 Bday surprises this year from
my new family and friends in United States! :)

The 1st Bday Surprise came from LifeBridge Community Church:

...with a very beautiful cake...

@ New Grounds Cafe...

The 2nd one came from Amanda & Brittany!
They are my new friends from LifeBridge young adults group :)

...that's so sweet...

Angel food cake! Yummy... (^^')~

Love you, girls!!

Okay... and the 3rd Surprise came from my host family
(Ben, Becca, Ezra & Juni)

My host mom made this bag! So special...
And look what the kids made for me! Love it! ^^

And the last one (the 4th) came from LifeBridge youth group...

..They decorated the youth room..

Turtle cake (I mean bread...) made by Ashley ;)

...a lot of gifts and cards...

...and my new friend from Jason & Kayla! lol

Thank you so much for all your LOVE...
My 25th Bday was really special because of YOU!!
♥ ♥ ♥

My 1st Experience...

... sleeping in the airport!! Haha ... ;D

Location: O'Hare Intl. Airport, Chicago, USA
Date: February 28th-March 1st, 2011
Flight: from Newfoundland to Ohio

THE PRESENT Blog Design by Ipietoon