Dragon Fruit Pudding

Resep yang aku dapet dari blog ci Lia ini sering banget aku bikin pas waktu masih di Indo. Aku doyan soalnya, hehe.. But sejak pindah ke Aussie, aku belom pernah bikin lagi. First, karena loyangnya ketinggalan di Indo and aku belom punya loyang yang kayak gitu di sini. Kedua, karena harga dragon fruit di sini luar biasa mahalnya, jadi gak mungkin sering-sering bikin kayaknya, haha..

But anyway, aku mau post resepnya di sini, supaya gak lupa and to make it easier kalo one day aku mo bikin. Ini aku pasang foto yang lama aja ya (yang dulu aku bikin di Indo). Bikinnya gampang koq and rasanya enak, hehe.. Selamat mencoba! :)



1 buah naga (yang dalemnya merah, bukan putih)
1 bungkus agar-agar putih / plain
6 sdm gula pasir
1.5 cup plain milk

Cara membuat:

1. Blender 3/4 buah naga sampai menjadi puree, yang 1/4 bagian dipotong kecil-kecil untuk dijadikan hiasan.
2. Masak susu, gula, dan agar-agar, terus diaduk-aduk sampai mendidih. Setelah mendidih, dimatikan apinya, diamkan sebentar.
3. Tuang 1/2 bagiannya ke dalam loyang dan dinginkan selama 5-7menit.
4. Sementara 1/2 bagian susunya dicampur dengan puree buah naga.
5. Tuang campuran susu-puree buah naga ke atas lapisan pertama pelan-pelan menggunakan sendok (pastikan lapisan pertama sudah agak keras supaya tidak tercampur dengan lapisan kedua).
6. Diamkan hingga dingin, lalu simpan di dalam kulkas.
7. Sebelum disajikan, bisa dihias dengan 1/4 buah naga yang sudah dipotong-potong. Jadi deh :)

See, I am doing a new thing!

How long have you been a Christian?

I've been a follower of Jesus for almost 17 years and I've experienced so many things in my life. I still remember the time when I received Him in my heart and I got baptized. I still remember the time when I got so excited about Him and couldn't stop reading my Bible everyday. I still remember the time when He started to use me in a ministry and when He put His compassion in my heart for the lost. I still remember the time when He did a breakthrough and reconciliation in my family. I still remember the time when He healed my sickness. I still remember the time when He provided all my needs in miraculous way. I still remember the time when we prayed for the sick people and they were healed, or when we asked God for the rain in Cambodia and suddenly heavy rain poured down. I still remember the time when all God's works really made me amazed...

But the question is... how about NOW? After 17 years (or maybe more), are you still excited about God? Are you still experience Him in your life? Are you still expecting new things from Him? When was the last time you experience His miracle? Or when was the last time something happened in your life and you said "WOW... this must be God!"?

Pastor Yudah started his sermon in our church yesterday, by telling us a story about 2 Cambodian boys from the village that went together with them to Phnom Penh city in 2006. These 2 boys had never been to the city before. So, when they arrived in Phnom Penh for the first time, can you imagine how was their reaction? "WOW..." I think they were speechless and they were so amazed by all the buildings, cars, and everything in that city... :)

In Isaiah 43 we can see that the people of Israel also had that kind of experience with God. They were so amazed and astonished by God; how God helped them through the water and fire, how God did miracle things in front of their eyes. But verse 18-19 says:

Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!

This year be ready to be excited, to be amazed and to be astonished AGAIN by God! Forget all the things on the past, not only the bad things, but also the good things that make you not excited anymore or make you don't want to expect more from God this year. Remember that God still have something great to do in your life this year (not only in the past). He is not only God of your past, but He is God of your present and your future. He is still the same God who is able to do miraculous things in your life RIGHT NOW!

Do you still have faith and hope in Him?

Christianity is not a mediocrity. Christianity has to be full of faith and excitement!

So, let's expect new thing! Expect miracle! Expect breakthrough this year!

Philippians 1:6 - being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Resep Lidah Kucing

Punya banyak sisa putih telur dan gak tau mau diapain? Mungkin ini bisa jadi salah satu idenya :)

Beberapa hari yang lalu aku sempet belajar bikin kue lapis legit di rumah temen, and sisa putih telurnya banyak banget boo.. Padahal udah dipake lagi buat bikin kue lain, tetep aja masih ada sisa, haha.. Akhirnya aku bawa pulang aja buat dibikin lidah kucing. Resep ini khusus buat lidah kucing yang cuma pake putih telur, jadi gak perlu kuning telur, dan bisa jadi sekitar 192 lidah kucing. Jadi kalo gak mo bikin terlalu banyak, pake setengah resepnya aja, hehe..

Selamat mencoba! ^^



300 gr mentega
150 gr gula halus, ayak
100 ml putih telur
1 sdt vanila ekstrak
200 gr terigu
50 gr maizena

Cara Membuat:

1. Campurkan mentega dan gula halus, kocok hingga putih dan mengembang.
2. Tambahkan putih telur dan vanila, lalu kocok kembali hingga rata dan mengembang.
3. Campurkan terigu dan maizena, lalu ayak dan aduk rata.
4. Masukkan adonan ke dalam plastik segitiga, potong ujungnya.
5. Siapkan loyang lidah kucing dan oles dengan mentega.
6. Semprotkan adonan ke dalam loyang tersebut.
7. Masukkan ke dalam oven lalu panggang dengan suhu 150C selama 20-25 menit. Lalu angkat.
8. Selesai! :)

Letter to R4J: Finishing Well

Saat ini jam 9 pagi di Melbourne, and I had a very long devotion time this morning. Pagi ini waktu aku lagi baca Alkitab sambil nyetel worship songs di YouTube, tiba-tiba Tuhan ingetin aku untuk doain temen-temen R4J (temen-temen pelayanan sekolah waktu zaman aku masih SMA dulu).

Mereka ini temen-temen yang aku kenal dari sekitar taon 2001, temen-temen yang sama-sama punya hati buat sekolah Kanaan, temen-temen yang sama-sama "gila" and radikal buat Tuhan, temen-temen yang beberapa dulunya bandel (hehe..) tapi mereka ketemu Tuhan and hidupnya bener-bener diubahkan 180 derajat, temen-temen yang sama-sama komitmen untuk gak nyontek di kelas :p, temen-temen yang mau hidup kudus (bahkan beberapa komitmen untuk cuma mau pacaran sekali seumur hidup kayak aku, haha..) temen-temen yang dulunya ngerokok tapi bertekad untuk berhenti, temen-temen yang tiap hari pulang sekolah telat karena harus doa kelilingin sekolah dulu atau ada komsel, persekutuan dsb. Temen-temen yang rela "diomelin" guru bahkan kepala sekolah karena nempel brosur KKR sembarangan di pintu kelas (haha.. I still remember that moment!), temen-temen yang berani bayar harga gila-gilaan buat Tuhan and demi liat temen-temen yang lain diselamatkan (duh, gue sampe nangis ngetik ginian..)

Sekarang.. udah 14 tahun berlalu.. ada yang masih bareng-bareng.. tapi ada juga yang udah kepisah sama lautan dan benua (apa coba? wkwkwk..) And semuanya udah punya kehidupan masing-masing. Ada yang udah married and punya anak, ada yang masih single. Ada yang udah jadi pengacara, musisi, bisnisman, make up artis, arsitek, designer, dan macem-macem profesi lainnya yang gak bisa aku sebutin satu-satu. Seneng denger kabar mereka yang berhasil, tapi sedih juga kalo denger kabar temen-temen yang akhirnya balik lagi ke kehidupan lama atau ada yang ninggalin Tuhan.

It's wonderful to have a great start with God..
but how we finish it, is more important..

I know kehidupan kita makin lama makin sibuk, kehidupan semua berubah, kita udah ga perlu pake seragam putih abu-abu lagi and kita udah mulai masuk ke dunia yang lain (serem amat bahasanya, haha..) but make sure, hati kita ke Tuhan gak pernah berubah. Komitmen kita sama Tuhan juga jangan pernah dilupakan. Biar Tuhan tetep jadi yang nomor satu di dalam hidup kita.. di dalam kita saat teduh, di dalam kita bekerja, di dalam kita memilih pasangan, di dalam kita menjalani hubungan, di dalam kita berumah tangga, di dalam kita melayani, di dalam kita bersahabat, dll. sampe akhir hidup kita nanti.

Biar R4J (Radical For Jesus) ini juga selalu melekat di hati. Supaya kita gak mudah kompromi dengan dosa dan kita bisa terus sama-sama berjalan di dalam kebenaran. Karena Firman Tuhan bilang, Dia mencari orang yang setia.

Pagi ini aku berdoa untuk kalian semua, temen-temen R4J, supaya api semangat itu bisa terus ada di dalam kita. Supaya setiap hari ketika kalian bangun, kalian punya kerinduan yang besar untuk mencari Tuhan (sama seperti dulu), supaya ketika kalian ada di tempat kerja atau di mana pun kalian berada, kalian juga punya kerinduan untuk berdoa buat orang-orang yang ada di sana dan kerinduan untuk membawa mereka mengenal Kristus, supaya ketika kalian memilih pasangan, kalian akan memilih orang-orang yang takut akan Tuhan dan memiliki visi yang sama, aku berdoa supaya ketika kalian berpacaran, kalian juga tetep punya komitmen untuk hidup dalam kekudusan, untuk menjaga pasangan kalian sampai masuk dalam pernikahan, supaya ketika kalian menikah atau punya anak nanti, kalian juga tetep semangat untuk Tuhan dan gak kehilangan api itu :)

Aku berdoa supaya ayat tema R4J ini juga bakal terus jadi pegangan kita...

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. - Colossians 2:6-7

Kalo saat ini ada di antara kalian yang lagi jauh dari Tuhan, or maybe sempet balik lagi ke dosa-dosa yang lama, I love you guys and I want to support you all in my prayer! Ayo kita sama-sama bangkit lagi and jangan merasa tertuduh, because He is God of second chance and He loves you so much! Perjalanan kita masih panjang, so let's finish it well together :) Supaya one day kita bisa sama-sama bilang kayak Rasul Paulus:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. - 2Timothy 4:7

Kalo ada yang masih main bareng, ayo mungkin kalian bisa rintis komsel or persekutuan lagi sama temen-temen kalian yang lain, terus saling membangun and mengingatkan untuk terus jalan dalam kebenaran. Encourage kalo ada temen-temen yang lagi down, remind them again about God, atau suruh baca lagi nih buku R4J biar inget, wkwkwk..

Akhir kata, you guys are always in my heart.. and I really want to see you all again later in the finish line (all of you!). If you guys need a prayer support, please don't hesitate to contact me. Wherever you are right now, you are in my prayer..

With LOVE,


Wife After God

We love young couples! (Because we are still young couple too, hehe.. and going to celebrate our 1st anniversary soon, yay!) Meeting and sharing experience with them is really fun and also encouraging. They can understand how different it is to live as a single, and to live as a husband/wife. Our season of life has changed.. and our life as a wife suddenly become busier than before! Ha! Especially if you live in a different country, where you have no family or house maid around and have to do everything by yourself.. :p

Most of the problem is, after we get married (especially later if we already have kids), it seems like it's harder to give our time for God than when we were still single. One of my friends said that she even doesn't have a devotion time at all anymore. And I can understand that.

Apostle Paul said in 1Corinthians 7:34 that... "An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband."

When I was still single, I could get up every morning without thinking about anything else beside God. But now, everytime I get up, there is my husband beside me :p And I need to prepare his breakfast and lunch box very early in the morning. I agree that life as a wife is very busy, but it doesn't mean that you can't have time for God :)

Maybe our ways to do devotion now will be different than before. But it's okay! God wants us to be creative and try to find a new way to seek Him everyday. Here are some things that I do to build my personal relationship with God everyday as a wife, and maybe you can do the same thing too ;)


1. Everytime we get up (usually around 5 AM) we pray together on bed. I know we are still very sleepy, haha.. but short prayer it does matter in God's eyes :) Usually we say thanks to God for a new day, pray for one another and ask God for His protection and blessing.

2. After that prayer, my husband gets ready for work and I need to prepare his food. And after he leaves, that's the time when I can have my personal devotion at home. My husband also has his personal devotion in the car. We have a different way in doing devotion. My husband loves listening, so he does it by listening to the sermon or worship songs in a radio. He also loves to pray in a car (with eyes open of course :p) I love reading and writing. So I really need to sit down, open my Bible, read a book and write a journal. Right now I'm using a devotion book called "Wife After God" by Jennifer Smith. It is a 30-Day Devotional Book, and it's very good! Inside this book there are Bible verses that you need to read, reflection, prayer, questions and also challenge that you need to do to your husband everyday :)

3. Other things that you can do is to manage your activity during the day. Instead of checking your Facebook (or other social media), you can read a good Christian book. Or if you don't like reading, you can listen to a short sermon at reviveourhearts.com and you can listen to it while you're doing something else. Sometimes I also like to turn on a worship songs playlist at home. Maybe this can be a good idea for you.

4. After a busy day, we always close our day with a devotion time together. Sometimes we read from ODB (Our Daily Bread), but right now we are using a devotion book called "Day By Day With God" that we just got from our church. We read together and then pray together before we sleep (this time our prayer is longer than the morning one, lol). It's really good to have your husband as your spiritual partner. But if he still doesn't want, you can always have a personal devotion by yourself and keep praying for your husband :)


We need God in our everyday life and we need to make Him as our first priority. Let's be the wife after God!

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
- Proverbs 31:30

The Strongest Relationship On Earth

What is the strongest relationship on earth?
I can answer it with one word: MARRIAGE :)

Why Marriage?
Because marriage is the mirror of the intimate relationship between Jesus and His bride, the Church.

Marriage is the relationship that God use to reflect our relationship with Him. And it is also the first relationship that God created on earth (Adam and Eve) before the relationship between parents and children, brothers and sisters, or any other relationships.

That's why God really loves marriage, and He wants to see His children living in an intimate relationship with their husband/wife. But the problem is, the devil really really hates marriage and he wants to destroy every marriage! Last year, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. And nearly 8 in 10 young adults in America favor same-sex marriage. My heart is broken, and I know God's heart too... :(

So today I want to challenge every married couples (especially the Christian couples) and also all of my friends who will get married soon, to see our marriage as a mission and a ministry for God. Let's build a strong and godly marriage in this world of darkness. God calls us to be the light and to be different than this world. This world needs you.. They need us to be an example and to show them the right way of marriage.

Each godly marriage can be an oasis for those who have forgotten what marriage is supposed to look like. - Gary Thomas

Some things that you can start to do today:

* For the married couples, you need to have a devotion and prayer time together with your spouse everyday. Beside that, you also need to keep having your personal time with God. Strong relationship with God is the key of a strong marriage :)

* After God, your husband/wife has to be your most important priority in your life (not your kids, parents, friends, or any other relationships). You need to always have time and communication with your spouse everyday.

* Take a short break, or maybe you can have a short getaway with your spouse (and don't let any gadgets or even your kids distract both of you). Take time together to remember again your wedding vow, or remember the first time you met each other, looking at your wedding pictures/video, holding hands, hugging, kissing and cuddling your spouse again like on your first honeymoon :)

* Don't keep any secret from your spouse. Always tell them the truth. Remember that two of you has become ONE. Make sure there is no secret password or secret chatting on your mobile phone, there is no secret bank account, there is no secret experience about your past.. Be open and you will see the difference in your marriage.

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. (Genesis 2:24;25)

* Please delete the word "divorce" from your dictionary. And don't let the devil destroy your marriage! If your spouse has decided to divorce, use the power of prayer and ask God to heal your marriage. Don't give up on him/her!

The most sacred promise we can ever make is the promise we make to God and our spouse on our wedding day. If the wedding vows don't matter, then no promise matters. (Dave Willis)

* Serve others together. When you serve others together, your marriage is also become stronger. And also teach the younger men and women how to live in godly ways.

Your marriage is a ministry where you and your husband can work together as a team to fulfill the needs of people around you, to show hospitality, to pray for people, to show compassion, to love by reflecting Christ's love as you mirror His image. (Jennifer Smith)

* For the single/unmarried people, make a commitment to live in holiness and strong relationship with God. Be an example for others by keeping your virginity and purity, and do not live in the same-sex relationship. I know these days many people support the same-sex marriage. I love those people and I don't want to judge them. But most of all, I want them to experience the truth and be transformed by God, so they can understand how marriage is supposed to look like. Pray for them!

* Beside that, if you have a desire to get married one day, pray so that God will bring you to meet the right man/woman who also fears the Lord and you can serve God together through your marriage :)

"Lord, today I pray for every marriage, so that You will strengthen them and help them to overcome every storm. Strengthen their relationship with You and also with one another as a husband and wife. I pray so their marriage can become a blessing and an example for others. I also pray for the single people, for every young men and women out there, so they can experience Your love and truth in their lives. Raise them to become a generation that live in holiness and do not live in the standard of this world. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

Pippies in XO

This time I want to post my husband's cooking.. Pippies in XO sauce! Nyumm.. Honestly, I've never had and never tried to eat Pippies before :p There's always a first time for everything, hehe..

Last Sunday we went to Venus Bay (about 2 and a half hour from our house) with some friends to find these fresh pippies on the beach. It wasn't an easy job, lol. But finally we could get around 2 liters pippies :)

My husband cooked it just with a simple ingredients (that we have at home) and also with a fresh silverbeet that he planted on our backyard. What a fresh meal :)

So, here is how he cooked it...


Red shallots
XO sauce*

How to Make
  • Heat oil over high heat, add shallots, garlic and ginger.
  • Add XO sauce. (You also can add salted black beans if you like).
  • Add pippies, cover and cook until the shells open.
  • Add silverbeet.
  • Ready to serve :)

*XO sauce is made from dried seafood such as scallops and chilli; available from Asian grocery stores.

Look Forward to a Wonderful Year in Christ

Hello all, here is my first post in 2015 :) And I just wanna start this year by posting this great article by Zac Poonen, that I got from my sister in Christ, ci Lia. Hope this article can be a blessing to all of you and also can make you excited to start this new year with God. Have a wonderful year, everyone!

With Love and Pray,
Mr. & Mrs. Widjaja :p


4 January 2014, Christian Fellowship Church, Bangalore, India

Look Forward to a Wonderful Year in Christ
Zac Poonen

   1. Make a new beginning today:  In the story of the prodigal son, we read that the father brought out the best robe for a son who had failed him so badly. This is the message of the gospel: God gives His very best even to those who have failed.  They can have a new beginning, because God never gives up on anyone. This is a great encouragement for those who failed in the past year.  Whatever your blunders or failures may have been, you can make a new beginning with God now. Even if you have made a thousand new beginnings in the past and have failed each time, you can make the 1001st new beginning today. God can still make something glorious out of your life. So be strong in faith and trust God to do for you the things that you considered impossible until now (Rom.4:20).

   2. Claim God’s promises:  This New Year can be better than all the years gone by, if you claim God’s promises every day. God promised to take all the Israelites into the land of Canaan (Exodus 3:17). Yet only Joshua and Caleb entered in, because they alone believed. What you believe in your heart, you must confess with your mouth (Romans 10:8, 9). Here are eight promises you can confess and claim this year.

   1. God the Father loves me as He loved Jesus – so I will always rejoice (John 17:23).
   2. God has forgiven all my sins – so I will never live with guilt (1 John 1:9 & Heb. 8:12).
   3. God will fill me with His Holy Spirit – so I will be strong enough for every task (Luke 11:13).
   4. God has determined all my boundaries – so I will always be content (Acts 17:26; Heb. 13:5).
   5. God’s commands are all for my good – so I want to obey all of God’s commands (1 John 5:3; Deut. 10:13).
   6. God controls all people and events that affect me – so I will always give thanks for everything (Rom. 8:28; Eph. 5:20; 1 Thess. 5:18).
   7. Jesus defeated Satan and freed me from his power – so I will never be afraid (Heb. 2:14, 15; Heb. 13:6).
   8. God wants to make me a blessing – so I will be a blessing to others (Gen 12:2; Gal 3:14).

   God’s promise and our faith are like two electric wires.  It is only when they touch each other (as in an electric switch) that the power begins to flow through the wires. So believe that everyone of these promises will be fulfilled in your life this year.

3. Be merciful to others:  Never forget throughout this year, how merciful God has been to you. Then be merciful to others in the same way. You have received much from the Lord freely. Give to others also just as freely (Mathew 10:8). Release everyone who owes you anything or who has hurt you or harmed you in any way.  Bury past grudges permanently and be merciful to everyone – and thus make a new beginning with the Lord today.

4. Live in the Spirit every day: When the apostle John was “in the Spirit”, he heard the Lord’s voice as loud as a trumpet (Rev.1:10). If you live in the Spirit every day of the coming year, you too will hear the Lord’s voice every day, as loud as a trumpet, guiding you and encouraging you. Keep yourself in the Spirit every day then by being sensitive to sin and by walking humbly before the face of God.

5. Be a worshipper of God: God has called you first of all to be His worshipper – and that means to desire Him alone. You will then see God’s glory just as Isaiah saw it. Immediately, Isaiah saw his own sinfulness too – and so will you (Isaiah 6:1-5). Be a worshipper then and cleanse away the areas of unChristlikeness that God reveals to you, in your life.  God will then make you partake of His own nature more and more, every day of this year.

6. You can experience a foretaste of Heaven this year: Under the old covenant, Moses told the Israelites that God wanted their days and the days of their sons to be like the days of heaven upon earth (Deut 11:21 - KJV). This is much more the will of God for you in the new covenant. God wants you to have a foretaste of the joy, peace, love, purity and goodness of heaven in your home and in your church in this coming year. Jesus lived a heavenly life on this earth. If you fix your eyes on Him and follow Him, then every day of this year will be like a day of heaven upon earth for you.

7. Trust the Lord to make you a blessing to others this year: God told Abraham: “…I will bless you... and you will be a blessing to all the families of the earth” (Gen 12:2, 3). That blessing is your inheritance also through the Holy Spirit (Gal 3:14). God wants to bless you by anointing your head with oil in such a way that your cup begins to overflow in blessing to many others.  In Elisha’s time, when God filled a poor widow’s vessel with oil, she poured it out into the vessels of all her neighbours (2 Kings 4:1-7). There is more than enough power and blessing in the anointing of God to bless every single person who comes across your path this year. You can bless your neighbours this year like that widow did. So keep pouring out into the lives of others. If, however, you selfishly keep God’s blessing for yourself alone, it will begin to stink like the manna kept overnight did. The one who waters others, however, will be watered by God Himself (Proverbs 11:25). May that be so in your life.

   May you have a blessed and Christ-centred New Year.

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