2016: Year of New Beginning

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!"
- Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV

Let's start this new year 2016 with a new heart and a new spirit! :)

Seperti biasa, setiap akhir tahun aku selalu tanya Tuhan apa yang Dia mau buat hidup aku di tahun yang baru.. and kali ini aku dapet kalo 2016 is gonna be a "Year of New Beginning" for me.

First, di tahun ini aku bakal masuk usia 30 (udah tua juga ya, haha..) Trus yang kedua, I'll start becoming a mom :) And both DM and I will start our journey as a parent this year.. Very exciting! A lot of new things are going to happen this year.. And God gave me Isaiah 43:18-19 (bisa baca ayatnya di atas) :)

Sorry gak bisa nulis panjang-panjang nih, suka rada pusing kalo kelamaan di depan screen, hehe.. Anyway, Happy New Year to all of you! And please keep us in your prayer.. Sekarang my pregnancy is around 26-27 weeks, bentar lagi masuk 7 bulan :)

Happy New Year 2016
- from D&M & the baby

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