Finally, 30 Januari 2010, terwujud juga salah satu impianku ini.. Launching buku ke-2 yang berjudul "The Matter of Heart"!

Berawal dari kumpulan kotbahku selama 4 minggu yang berbicara tentang HATI, akhirnya terinspirasi untuk menjadikannya sebuah buku. Buku ini berbicara tentang 4 musuh yang dapat menyerang hati kita:

1. Sakit hati
2. Iri hati
3. Tawar hati
4. Tinggi hati

Buku yang sederhana, tapi semoga dapat memberkati dan mengubahkan kehidupan banyak orang. Many thanks to Yuliani Djunaidi "Babung" yang telah memberikan sentuhan design yang luar biasa pada buku ini dan thanks buat semua orang-orang yang sudah mendukung penerbitan buku ini.

"The Matter of Heart" is now available di beberapa bookstore di Jakarta dengan harga Rp25.000,00. Sengaja diterbitkan mendekati bulan Februari, karena bertepatan dengan hari Valentine (hehe..) Dan jangan ketinggalan juga, my 1st book yang berjudul R4J "Radical For Jesus" karena persediaannya sudah sangat terbatas...

"Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts."

(Proverbs 4:23, MSG)

My "Bucket List"

Terinspirasi dari sebuah film, yang direkomendasikan oleh seorang teman, yang berjudul "The Bucket List" membuatku ikut berpikir tentang sekeranjang cita-cita yang ingin kucapai sebelum ajalku tiba.

Film ini bercerita tentang dua orang pasien kanker (Carter & Edward) yang masa hidupnya sudah ditentukan kurang dari setahun. Akhirnya Carter membuat coret-coretan di secarik kertas "The Bucket List" atau serupa dengan "things to do before die". Dalam satu kesempatan, Edward membaca catatan tersebut dan tertarik untuk mewujudkannya.

Mereka mengalami perjalanan dan pengalaman yang luar biasa. Satu per satu daftar mereka dicoret dan terpenuhi. Di akhir hidupnya, Carter memberi kesaksian mengenai Edward seperti ini:

"He was 81 years old. Even now, I can't claim to understand the measure of a life, but I can tell you this: I know that when he died, his eyes were closed and his heart was open, and I'm pretty sure he was happy with his final resting place because he was buried on the mountain, and that was against the law..."

Wow... great movie!!
And now, here is my "Bucket List":

1. Menginjakkan kaki di 5 benua
2. Go to Israel (my parents too!)
3. Merasakan naik kapal Star Cruise / sejenisnya
4. Menikah & punya rumah sendiri
5. Berkhotbah di luar negeri & dalam bahasa Inggris
6. Menulis buku & diterjemahkan ke dalam banyak bahasa
7. Menggembalakan sebuah gereja (jadi Senior Pastor)
8. Making a magazine
9. Punya book store & penerbitan sendiri
10. Mencoba hal-hal baru, terutama diving & paraceling!

Woohoo.. I'm excited! :)
So.. What's yours???

NH teacher, 100, gets degree a day before dying

By KATHY McCORMACK, Associated Press Writer Kathy Mccormack, Associated Press Writer Tue Jan 26, 11:30 pm ET

CONCORD, N.H. – It was Harriet Richardson Ames' dream to earn her bachelor's degree in education. She finally reached that milestone, nearly three weeks after achieving another: her 100th birthday.

On Saturday, the day after receiving her diploma at her bedside, the retired schoolteacher died, pleased that she had accomplished her goal, her daughter said. Ames had been in hospice care.

"She had what I call a 'bucket list,' and that was the last thing on it," Marjorie Carpenter said Tuesday.

Ames, who turned 100 on Jan. 2, had earned a two-year teaching certificate in 1931 at Keene Normal School, now Keene State College. She taught in a one-room schoolhouse in South Newbury, and later spent 20 years as a teaching principal at Memorial School in Pittsfield, where she taught first-graders.

Through the years, she had taken classes at the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth Teachers College and Keene State to earn credits for her degree. With her eyesight failing, she stopped after retiring in 1971 and was never sure if she had enough credits.

Her wish for a degree became known when a Keene State film professor interviewed her a couple of years ago for a piece on the college's own centennial, which the school celebrated last year.

The school decided to research her coursework and see if it could award Ames her long-sought diploma. The offices of the provost, registrar and other departments worked quickly in the last month to determine, that indeed, it could.

"She wanted to be the best that she could be," said Norma Walker, coordinator of the Keene State College Golden Circle Society, an alumni group for classes that graduated 50 or more years ago.

Walker said when she mentioned to Ames during a recent visit that the college was working on the degree, Ames started to cry and said, "'If I die tomorrow, I'll know I'll die happy, because my degree's in the works.'"

College officials, including Walker, drove the document to Ames' bedside on Friday.

Walker, who first met Ames in 1997 at an alumni gathering, said she enjoyed listening to her talk about her students and how she encouraged them to read.

"She's the kind of person that every parent would want their first-graders to have as a teacher," very loving and caring, Walker said. She will read Ames' diploma at a memorial service this Saturday, "if I can do it without crying."

Paula Finnegan Dickinson of Gilford, who was Ames' student back in 1956 and became an educator herself, regarded her as a mentor and dear friend.

"Mrs. Ames, along with Dick, Jane, Sally, Spot and Puff, became our friend," Dickinson said, recalling the "Dick and Jane" series that was used in class reading groups. "With her enthusiasm, these characters came to life. ... Mrs. Ames showed us how reading opened the doors to other experiences we in Pittsfield might never have known."


This undated black and white photo released by the Carpenter Family on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2010, shows Harriet Richardson Ames, who achieved her dream by earning a bachelor's degree in education. On Saturday, Jan. 23, 2010, the day after receiving her degree at her bedside, the retired schoolteacher died, pleased that she had accomplished her goal, her daughter said. Ames had been in hospice care. Ames turned 100 on Jan. 2, 2010.

(AP Photo/Carpenter Family, Jonathan Richardson) NO SALES

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