White Christmas ♥

The best combination between Snow and Christmas = White Christmas! :)

@ Downtown Dover, Ohio...

Nativity and also candles...

Candy cane...

and a lot of Christmas decorations!

Santa's House ^^

And the Christmas tree!

Best wishes from Ohio :)

Alpha Course Promo

And this is the 2nd video that I made,
for LifeBridge Community Church and also Dover Alliance Church...
I love making video!!! So much FUN... hihi... ^^

As The Deer

Lagu lama tapi baguuusss bangeettt....


"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, o panteth my soul after thee, O God."

You Are My All In All

Yang ini direkam pas tadi baru bangun and masi pake baju tidur, haha..
Tapi yang penting kan musiknya and bukan orangnya ya :p

This is one of my favorite song!!

"Jesus, Lamb of God...
Worthy is Your Name...
Jesus, Lamb of God...
Worthy is Your Name..."

The First Noel

Believe it or not, this is me!
I'm playing the piano! Haa.. ;D


Christmas Video

This is the first video that I made by myself!
I dedicate this video for my family in LifeBridge Community Church, Dover, Ohio :)


When we were kids, we liked to admire the superhero characters. Boys, they like to hear stories about Superman, Spiderman or Batman, larger than life heroes who are so powerful and help many people. Girls like me, on the other hand, like to hear a story about a princess who is in danger, and then comes a handsome prince riding on a white horse to rescue her. Not only do we like to hear stories of superheroes, we want to be like them. We often want to be in their position. Yet, this is all just fantasy and fiction created by humans.

Let me tell the truth today. There is one Superhero who is truly real, created by no one’s pen or imagination. He has come to this world to save all of us. His name is JESUS. He is a true Superhero.

“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a SAVIOR, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

While He is truly great, he also wants to use our lives to do great things in this world. He wants us to become like Him, and we can, if we only open our hearts and accept Him as Lord and Savior. On this Christmas day, allow Jesus to be born again in your heart and turn you into a new self.



PS: I wrote this article for Advent Devotional, for my church in Dover, Ohio..
Thanks Pastor Chet for helping me, you're a good editor! ;)

How He L♥ves...


My Favorite Song!

I JUST WANT YOU ~ Planetshakers

More than a nice melody,
More than the sweetest of words
This is the love I have found,
And in this love I am found

Never could I comprehend,
The love You so freely give
Never could I be worthy,
But Your love covers all of my sin

I just want You Jesus,
I just want You my Lord,
I just want You Jesus
I just want You

There is no greater love than Yours,
Nothing else could ever compare
And even if I searched all the world,
I would never find a love like Yours

♥ ♥

"The new MacBook Air"

Model : Junia (2 years old)
Location : Apple Store, Summit Mall, Akron, OH
Date : November 23, 2010


My Little Friend ^o^


I was sitting reading a book in the living room
he sat down at my feet

It was night
outside of heavy rain and strong winds

I want to get ready for bed
and he kept following me
waiting in front of my bedroom
cried all night...

Do not know what happened to him
Scared? Cold? Loneliness?
I do not understand

I let him lie in my bed
lay beside me

he stopped crying
and fast asleep

What a cute little friend
Adicos, his name...

(I do not know how to spell his name correctly) :p

Put Others First

Gw lagi suka banget sama 1 buku, judulnya "365 Inspirational Thoughts", buku renungan buat para leaders and gw baca nih buku tiap pagi sebelum mulai aktivitas. Gw mo share dikit tentang renungan yang gw baca pagi ini. Simple but bagus banget! Praktekin yah... :)

The best way to start off on the right foot is to put others first.

The most basic way to do that is to practice the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

If you take that mindset into all of your interactions with others, you just can't go wrong. But there are other ways as well to show people that they matter: you can walk slowly by them, say considerate things toward them, remember their names, smile at people and be quick to offer help.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

How are you showing that you care?

- John C. Maxwell -

Letter to God... ♥ ♥ ♥



HE said...

John 8:12

"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what I have prepared
for those who love Me..."

(1Corinthians 2:9)


Tinggal di negeri orang selama 1 tahun merupakan pengalaman yang ga bakal pernah terlupakan. Buat yang belum tau, aku dapet kesempatan untuk tinggal di Ohio, USA dalam rangka exchange program dan kerja di 2 tempat: LifeBridge Community Church & New Grounds Cafe.

Aku, peserta exchange program dan orang Indonesia pertama yang dapet kesempatan kerja di 2 tempat ini. Bangga... but sometimes tertekan juga karena pengen bisa kasi kesan pertama yang baik and ga malu-maluin, hehe.. And rindu banget rasanya bisa jadi berkat & tinggalin sesuatu yang berkesan buat orang-orang di sini.

Pertama kali nyampe di sini, masi bingung harus ngapain. Masi sibuk adaptasi ama lingkungan, budaya and semua hal yang serba baru. Sampe suatu hari, pas lagi kerja di gereja (LifeBridge), aku naik ke lantai 3 and liat 1 ruangan yang biasa mereka pake buat youth group. Aku jarang liat gereja yang punya ruangan khusus buat youth, and tiba-tiba rasanya kepengen banget bisa manfaatin & maksimalin ruangan itu. Kepikiran buat dekor temboknya yang putih dan polos itu, hehe..

Mikir.. mikir.. and akhirnya dapet ide yang oke banget (gara-gara abis liat scrapbook yang dikasi sama JKI Galilea, thanks guys!) Aku dapet ide buat ajak semua youth penuhin tembok ruangan itu sama hand painting! Trus mereka bisa tulis sesuatu juga di tembok, tanda tangan & aku bakal tempel foto-foto mereka.. so excited!

Hari Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010, we did it and it was awesome. Setidaknya aku udah tinggalin sesuatu di USA ini --> my hand painting on the wall, haha..
I ♥ hand painting! :)


Date 10 Month 10 Year 2010...
It only happens once in life...
And it was a perfect day with a perfect experience!

On that day (10.10.10) I got a chance to visit Niagara Falls in New York, US and it was super fun!
I went there with my IVEP friends and host parents...
What a wonderful place that God has made... :)

"God's love is meteoric,
his loyalty astronomic,
His purpose titanic,
his verdicts oceanic."

(Psalm 36:5, MSG)

A Simple "THANK YOU"

  • THANK YOU God for a great family
(my parents, brother, sister in law and cute nephew)

  • THANK YOU God for my local church, JKI Galilea
(my 2nd family; PJ and friends)

  • THANK YOU God for R4J team and for our friendship

  • THANK YOU God for my house, car, motorcycle, bike, laptop, HP, iPod and everything that I have

  • THANK YOU God for giving me a chance to serve You in many places in Indonesia and also other countries

  • THANK YOU God for saving my life and giving me an eternal life

  • THANK YOU God for healing all my diseases

  • THANK YOU God for giving me a bright future and a new hope

  • THANK YOU God for my future husband and children

  • THANK YOU God for helping me in publishing 2 books

  • THANK YOU God for allllllll your love and goodness in my life......

I LOVE YOU more than anything in this world!! :)

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.

Oh, give thanks to the God of gods!
For His mercy endures forever.

Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords!
For His mercy endures forever..."

(Psalm 136:1-3)


1st TIME

There is always 1st time for everything!

1st time going to USA

1st time living with a host family…

1st time biking through the hill…

1st time making zucchini brownies…

1st time joining Uganda’s Day…

1st time watching Cross Country…

1st time working at LifeBridge Community Church

1st time playing outdoor games with LifeBridge youth group…

1st time drawing at the sidewalk…

1st time working at New Grounds Café (coffee shop)…

1st time speaking in English…

1st time going to the county fair...

1st time taking picture with chicky, hihi…

We’ll never move forward if we don’t want to take the 1st step…

When was the 1st time you pray and receive Jesus in your heart?

There is always 1st time for everything! :)

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